Mulch is sold by a cubic yard. A cubic yard will cover approximately 100 square foot (10'x10' area) 3 inches deep.
Topsoil is sold by a cubic yard. A cubic yard will cover approximately 100 square foot (10'x10') 3 inches deep.
Stone is sold by a cubic yard, a cubic yard is approximately a ton. Coverage will varie by the size of stone.
Crushed stone up to 3/4 covers 100 square foot. 3 inches deep.
Stone up to 1-3 inches covers 75-85 square foot.
Stone 3-5 inches covers 60 square foot.
Prices for products are delivered prices. A $30 to $40 delivery charge is added for local delivery. As I am a small business I am in and out of the yard doing delivers, please call 20 minutes to half and hour before coming in for pick-ups.
bobcat and dump truck service available
Bobcat & dump truck service available